
  1. 杭州主要景点的英文介绍?
  2. 用英语介绍西湖,五句加中文?


杭州英语角总汇: 1. 六公园英语角:是杭州最大的市民英语角, 时间为每周日8:30--14:00(下午老外会多一点,去过两次,不错) 2. 武林广场英语角:每周日 武林广场 早上7:00-9:00 3. 浙江大学校区英语角: a. 玉泉校区:每周二, 四, 六 ***像下 晚上21:00开始 b. 西溪校区:每周三,周日世纪之光雕塑下晚上21:30开始 c. 华家池校区:每周三晚大食堂门前草坪晚上20:30开始 d. 紫金港校区:每周一,三,五 西1—519教室晚上20:30开始 4. 杭商院英语角:每周三晚 杭商主校区青春广场晚上20:30 - 22:30 5. 三联书店英语角:每周六西溪校区对面三联书店晚上18:00-20:30 6. 科友英语角:每周六 省科协大楼20F-2010室 每周六晚上7:00-9:00 7. 吴山广场英语角,是每周六上午的。 8. 杭师院对面文一路上美国书店,二楼是英语角,每周星期五晚上, 环境很好, 英语爱好者不妨去看看。 9. 浙江教育学院对面, 文三路西溪数码港斜对面, 春暖花开书店二楼: 每周五晚上7:30-9:30有固定外教。 10.浸泡村下沙校区,在学源街上,每天都有很多下沙大学生在那边。


用英语来介绍西湖,五句加中文,具体如下,West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. 

英文表达打卡杭州旅游景点,杭州景点 英文

The West Lake 西湖

让我来告诉你西湖有多美吧!let me tell you how beautiful the West Lake is!

西湖里有许许多多的鱼.鱼的颜色美极了,种类也很多.In West Lake there are many fish.They are of diffrent types and very beautiful.

英文表达打卡杭州旅游景点,杭州景点 英文


The water in the West Lake is also very beautiful.It is hard to distinguish where is the sky where is the water in sunny days.


英文表达打卡杭州旅游景点,杭州景点 英文

Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province, is famous for many places of interest. The West Lake is the best among them. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in China,even in the world.Everyone will fall in love with it as soon as they get here.


The West Lake National Park in Hangzhou is a harmonious blend of the natural beauty in the elegant and graceful lake and hills, profound and splendid cultural relics and historic sites, and brilliant culture and arts. 


Covering an area of about 60km clusive of 60km inclusive of 6.5km of waters, West Lake boasts over 100 tourist attractions featured.

